Guidelines to protect your site or channel from illegal or illegal clicks 2022.
Illegal clicks | Everyone has a YouTube channel, website or blog. Moreover, related to Google AdSense, he should be well aware of this point. Also, anyone who starts a YouTube channel and searches for it, to make some gains.
As you probably know, these conditions will not be simple, at the beginning of the work of the channel, and its completion is troublesome. At the beginning of creating any new YouTube channel, and in this article we will check all the information related to illegal click visits. considered by Google. AdSense visits or illegal clicks.
What is the impact of illegal footage on your site or channel?
If you have any desire to monetize your channel, or a site, you should really develop from your channel or site, and keep up with the amount of effort you put in. For gain, it is not normal to accomplish something unsafe in your channel or site but that is the biggest mistake. This may result in your registration being completed on YouTube or on your site.
As you probably know anyone who plays a video on your channel or site, it is usual that they may see a promotional ad while the video is playing, assuming that person left the ad. To the end and not get around the current ad, it may lead to more benefit from the video.
What's more, knowing that it was an individual who settled on the sponsor connection, and the benefits of increasing the video, there are some owners of the channel. They accomplish something that damages their channels, and some individuals are doing things that could seriously damage their sites.
It is usual for some commercials to appear during the video, so the channel owner clicks on the advertisement connection within the advertisement, this is considered illegal by Google AdSense. As in that, it is wrong, since it is from the owner of the channel himself.
With this, your Google AdSense history can be locked forever, and your channel or site will stop being used.
Google AdSense deems you justified to lose the promoter due to illegal clicks
With the things noted above, Google thinks of you as an excuse for the promoter's misfortune, because that sponsor pays them to give you a notice on Google. If you click on the promoter's connection, you will lose the sponsor, which is basically unimportant.
What are illegal clicks and how do you keep your Google AdSense account from getting closed?
The issue of illegal clicks is the most worrying thing for owners of online sites and magazines as a result of your AdSense account being closed. These clicks are dropped by a similar person who clicks on the ad at least once or twice, intentionally or unintentionally.
At the time when a guest on the site clicks on a similar promotion more than twice, this is taken into account by Google AdSense in the category of illegal clicks, its benefits are deducted from the benefits due and your record may be closed. .
What are illegal clicks and how do you keep your Google AdSense account from getting closed?
The issue of illegal clicks is the most worrying thing for owners of online sites and magazines as a result of your AdSense account being closed. These clicks are dropped by a similar person who clicks on the ad at least once or twice, intentionally or unintentionally.
At the time when a guest on the site clicks on a similar promotion more than twice, this is taken into account by Google AdSense in the category of illegal clicks, its benefits are deducted from the benefits due and your record may be closed. .
By clicking on your reports and then the snapshots you notice that the click rate of the active visitor is high eg more than 5% and clicks more than three in a country Clicks for this situation are illegal and you should contact Google AdSense in this way by structure Connection.
In the main field you write your name, then, at this point, your email, then, at this point, the character of the distributor and you put the connection to the site showing the promotions and you specify the type of problem where you choose invalid or illegal clicks and then you specify the date of the shots that occurred in your history And then configure what made you feel that there are illegal clicks in the case.